Require reserve 24 hours in advance at hotel reservation: [email protected]
Rates are inclusive of Paramotor flight, coffee break, an insurance and free garden access for fliers
Special Conditions
• Adults and Childs are quoted in the same unless the child is suitable sitting on parents lap
• Passengers over 80 years of age will produce a medical certificate fit for flight.
• Passengers will declare to be fit for flying by physical looking and standard evaluation as reasonable
required on the date of flight.
Cancellation by the Hotel’s guests
• All booking are non-refundable or can’t be amended, failure to arrive at the airfield on time will be
counted as a no show. There will be a fee of 500 Baht per booking for any amendment.
• In case of immediate cancellation by the Hotel’s guests or the guests no shows customer by any mean, a
cancellation fee 100% shall be charged by FUN FLY Paramotor Chiang Mai, except in case of Force
Additional Service offers
Child under 2-4 years old (Sit on laps) 2,500 Baht / Person
Entrance Fee for Non Flyers 200 Baht / Person
Transportation for 1-3 Persons 1,800 Baht Round Trip
Transportation for 4-6 Persons 2,500 Baht Round Trip
Majeure events.
• In case of an emergency matters, FUN FLY allows guests to be postpone the flight but it must be informed
3 days before the departure date and the next booking date must be within 30 days.